Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cure Hemorrhoids in Children Permanently

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Hemorrhoids in children is today, one of the most common problems in the United States. Junk foods, carbonated drinks and lack of proper exercise are some of the major contributions to the increase in the number of hemorrhoid cases. Hemorrhoids, or Piles, as it is most commonly known, usually affects people in their later stages. However, in the recent times, a few cases have been reported, amongst children as well. Lack of proper exercise and too much of junk foods, are believed to be causing hemorrhoids in children.

According to a recent survey, it was revealed that children are spending more time in front of the television screen, than they should be spending. Also, they are hardly indulging in outdoor sports activities. This is giving rise to obesity and constipation, which are the two major causes of this condition. As a child suffers from constipation he/she tends to put strain, while passing stools. As a result of this, the veins around the anal opening get swollen and results in a very painful condition called piles. With children getting more obese, their bowel system gets affected as well, which further aggravates the condition. Along with this, straining also results in the loss of mucus from the rectal system, due to which, stools do not tend to pass smoothly.

Hemorrhoids in children is a very painful condition and it should be treated, as early as possible. So, if a child reports of itching in the anus or bleeding, while passing of stools, then he/she should be immediately taken to the hemorrhoid doctor, for medication. This would help in treating the problem in the onset itself.

When it comes to treating hemorrhoid in children, then in that case, hard medication can not be administered by a hemorrhoid doctor, major clinical therapies are not recommended, and surgery is out of question. Therefore in such a scenario, treatment procedures are mainly dependent on natural therapies, mild medication and home remedies. Apart from that, a strict check needs to be put on his/her diet, as well as daily activities. If your child is suffering from this condition, then in that case, it is your responsibility, to see to it, that he/she stays away from junk foods, has a fiber rich diet, is going out more often for outdoor sports and is having lots of fluids like water and juices (no carbonated drinks).

Apart from that, a few home remedies like warm water baths, while sitting in the bath tub and soothing the affected area with ice packs, can also be quite effective. You can also administer some ointments and creams to the affected area, after you have consulted with your physician. By nipping the problem in the bud, you will ensure a healthy life for your kid.

Thanks To : LED television

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